The one stop shop for all your elearning requirements. JoomlaLMS, Moodle, Instructor led trainings, Individual developement plan, SCORM...Quality products to suit your needs. Products which can be used by Corporates for improving skills of their staff. Products which can be used by educational institutions for their students.
You can develop your own online courses (SCORM) and upload packages for students.
Courses that can be conducted in class rooms through online. Students can enroll themselves and attendance marked by trainers on completion of training.
We offer customised portals for your product sales. Paymnet through Paypal or credit or debit cards as per your requirement will be integrated into the system.
Students can set goals and action plans. Periodical assessment can be made and achievement of goals registered.
Students and trainers can register under Mentoring. Student can select their mentor based on the skill set they want to be mentored in and Mentors can select students based on their own skill set. Periodic assessment can be made by both.
Student satisfaction surveys. Customer saticfaction surveys. Patient satisfaction surveys. Multiple choice, Likert scale and Rating scale
Two experienced software professionals who have vast IT experience in India and USA lead a team of young qualified Engineers who have thorough knowledge in developing state of the art software to suit any industry.
We are backed by a team of experienced Quality Assurance Engineers and studio professionals.
You can choose from our ready to use package or we can customize it to suit your requirements.
Our products are developed using open source components to be cost effective